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How A Teddy Bear Can Encourage Faith And Blessings Into The Lives Of Muslim Children

As parents and parents of children, we all want to raise our children in the best way possible. We hope that they will be successful, kind and devoted Muslims. It can be difficult to make sure that your children participate regularly with Islamic practices like adhkar and morning and evening dua. Ameen is the first dua-teddy bear which integrates adhkar and dua in the lives of Muslim children across the world.

Islam is an Islamic religion that urges people to begin and conclude our days by remembering Allah (SWT). Allah (SWT) in the Quran is a reminder to remember Allah in a remembrance of Allah. 33:41 is a beautiful reminder to be remembering Allah (SWT) through our thoughts and actions. When we introduce Ameen into the lives of our children, we can ensure that they’re regularly engaged in the remembrance of Allah (SWT).

Ameen is much more than being a teddy, it can be a tool to instill the love of Allah (SWT) as well as Islam in our children at the age of. Ameen is intended to be an aid and reminder to our children about duas and adhkar. The soft, snuggly and pre-recorded adhkars and morning duas are provided so children can easily learn the concepts. Ameen is also able to recite duas and adhkar that parents want their children to learn.

Ameen is a teddy bear with an interactive function that’s unique to it. If children press the Ameen’s paw to the ground, the bear will repeat the dua or adhkar. This interactive feature helps kids to get involved with the adhkar and duas in a fun and enjoyable way. It also encourages them become more aware of their Islamic practices and motivates students to learn and master more duas as well as adhkar.

Ameen is more than a toy, it is an investment in our children’s Islamic education. We’re giving our children a tool that will help in the long run by adding Ameen to their lives. Ameen not only reminds us to keep our morning and evening duas adhkar, but creates in our children an interest in the remembrance Allah (SWT). When our children reach a certain age and develop, this love will grow and provide a constant source of comfort and guidance throughout their life.

Another benefit of Ameen is that it assists to establish a routine our children. Children thrive on routine and structure. By adding Ameen in their morning and evening routines, we are helping to establish a habit of dua and adhkar. This consistency will enable children to remember Allah (SWT) as an integral part of their daily lives.

Ameen is not only intended for infants and toddlers however, it is suitable for all children. The recorded Duas and the Adkar are easy and simple for all ages. Furthermore, older children may utilize Ameen as a tool to remember more difficult duas and adhkar. Parents are able to program Ameen to recite specific duas or adhkars to modify the recitations from the bear to meet their child’s age and their level.

For more information, click eid gift for kids